Monday, March 06, 2006

I Still Don't Believe Him

But why am I telling you all of this?

Cointreau or Grand Marnier really improves the champagne.

I let Hades seduce me. He was really very nice He said that he wanted me of my own free will.

As I drank the champagne, I knew that I wanted Hades more than I ever could have imagined. Somehow, I intuitively also knew that pomegranate seeds would be part of my power.

When I was a little girl, I’d always heard some sort of rhyme about the seed of the pomegranate and how it held the power to enter the kingdom of desire.

If my goblet of champagne had held a million pomegranate seeds, I would have eaten them all.

But there were only six and so I ate them and then asked Hades for more. He told me now—they were not for him to give—but I didn’t believe him.

I still don’t believe him. I think he could have given me more. But, by giving me only six, he kept me in a state of perpetual desire. When he finally came to me, I surprised myself. I was no longer afraid.

But perhaps I delude myself. Perhaps I was never afraid.


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