Monday, March 06, 2006

After All, I am Queen of Hades

There's so much to gossip about, but ultimately, it's kind of boring.

No one talks about what they really care about--which is REALLY DEPRESSING.

I'm actually thinking about doing something about it. After all, I am Queen of Hades. I should be responsible for the tone of this place. I'm not a little girl any more.

If people are going to be here forever, we might as well make it a better place to be. Some people might think I'm missing the point. There's this rumor that hell is supposed to be unpleasant. But does it really have to be that way?

Not everyone thinks this way though. In fact when I start talking about making things better down in Hell, Hades gets mad at me and tells me that I've spent too much time with my mother.

Well, maybe I have been with her too much, and maybe that does affect the way I think and what I think, but I can't help but look at things in a different way.


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