Monday, March 06, 2006

Depression is Anger Turned Inward?

The point THAT THE SHRINK MADE--on the talk show that I watched with my mother and her friends--was that people who were depressed WERE DYING INSIDE and that the solution was TO PLAY and in the process of playing, THEY WOULD FIND THEMSELVES again and when they found themselves, THEY WOULDN'T BE DEPRESSED.

She also said that another way to deal with depression was to write--to write until you could find yourself--until you could find what your truth was and THEN YOU WOULD BE FREE.

As the Queen of Hell, I really should start a commission to investigate depression, its causes and the solutions, so that I could help the people who are here.

Perhaps I could set up an organization that will provide seed money for angel funding to start up companies interested in creating new technologies to alleviate depression. Hades always boasts that he has access to secret veins of gold. I wonder if I can get him to help me with the angel funding....


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