Wednesday, March 08, 2006

One of the Games We Play

One of the games we play down here is pregnancy. When a particularly young one comes down—a small fetus as they call them up above most of the time—we have our own ways of embracing them within ourselves. Customarily only the women do it, but occasionally the men get tempted and try.

Hades tried to pass legislation against it, but a large faction of “No” nothings objected, and he had to relent. He really felt that since no true differentiation exists between the sexes that it is important to maintain the ritual distinctions.

I have to admit, I agreed with him there but part of the nature of Hell is that you have to agree with people even when you don’t—that is part of the “no” nothingness and “no” ingness of it all.

I love it when I take in one of especially little “little ones.” I develop a radiance. It’s as though I’m filled out and my black looks more stunning than ever. They’ve opened a new department at Lethe, especially for those of us carrying the little ones.


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