Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Science of Jewels

We’ve elevated the science of jewels to new levels down here. Amber is for earthiness and warmth. Jet has a masculine essence. Peridot has a singing passion and amethysts remind us of the spiritual. Rose quartz represents a loving maturity, and opals represent the fire of the holy mysteries surrounded by the sacred waters. Lapis Lazuli signifies a steady calm coupled with an insistence and Jade represents promises kept. Rubies, sapphires, and diamonds—they have very special purposes, and Emeralds are worshipped for their power.

What we do—before we sleep—is plan our dreams—create the framework, the rules—for where we will go—for where we will go in our dreams….

I’m very careful about the jewels I choose. Although you can wear the same ones night after night, they say that by varying which ones you wear, you will ensure their potency and not incur the wrath of any evil spirits or phantasms that are lurking about.


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