Monday, March 13, 2006

I Have Now Become Queen of the Night

What you wear at night is much more important than what you wear during the daytime. We become truly more ourselves when we sleep. When a person sleeps, that person comes to where I truly preside—the realm of the imagination.

Maybe this is why Hades really wanted me. Maybe he needed someone to preside over what we could think of as the double-night. If the underworld is to the world up above as night is to day, then the night of the underworld is like the day of the world up above. This—I admit—is all kind of confusing, but it explains phrases like “darkness visible” and why the night is so important down here, just like the day is important up above.

On a level of logic, I really don’t understand it myself, but what I do know—what is true for me—is that I am Queen of Hades’ night and my light—the light of my night—provides the iridescence that has become my life’s purpose and the light that lightens the eternal existential essences of my people down here.

When people began to understand what Hades had brought me down here to do, I became known not just as Persephone, Queen of Hades, but also as Persephone, Queen of the Night.

So as Persephone, Queen of Hades and Queen of Hell, I have now become the Queen of the Night.


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