Monday, March 13, 2006

The Trip Along the River Styx Can Be Somewhat Rough

Let me tell you more about some of our customs. When people arrive here, they are usually somewhat confused and perhaps even surprised at how comfortable they are.

Since people are going to be here for eternity, we want to provide for them in a way where they will be reasonably content versus rebellious or dissatisfied. I know that runs counter to the conventional view of Hell but that’s the way it really is….

I’m particularly concerned that people adjust well to being here. The trip along the River Styx can sometimes be somewhat rough and the boat that people ride in could be more comfortable. I’ve been talking with Chiron—who’s in charge of these things—and he’s working on some estimates for what it will take to upgrade the boats.

As the population has grown, we’ve developed a fleet of boats and demand for them goes straight up during pandemics and plagues and other natural disasters along with the unnatural ones like atomic bombs and other monstrosities. Some of the operations research analysts who’ve come down here are working right now on a model that we can use to forecast the demand more accurately so that our supply of boats can be at a equilibrium point relative to the demand.


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